Playing cards all neatly organized by deck
I apologize to all my readers for not posting recently, but even with me trying to stay organized a lot has been going on in the past month that has been putting me to the test. I had my second set of exams to contend with, Real Analysis was brutal and I'm thankful for the group study sessions for Synoptic Meteorology. For those who don't know, Synoptic Meteorology focuses on meteorological (weather) phenomena on the synoptic scale, defined to be on the order of about 1000 kilometers. Dr. Sikora sometimes goes fast in his lectures, at other times he's rather patient, but all the time he has faith in our ability to grasp the concepts even if I don't feel like I grasped the concept. There has also been a special student research project called SEAR-MAR. We managed to convince the nice people at the University of Wyoming to bring their King Air airplane over to the Eastern Seaboard so that students from Penn State, Rutgers, UMBC, and Millersville University had a great opportunity to do some hands-on research. Some students such as I kept our feet on the ground with set-up of instruments and forecasting duties while other students got to fly in the King Air. Although the King Air went home to Wyoming, the students will have a lot of data to sift through, our work isn't finished yet! Good thing for my bullet journal in that I can keep track of most of what's going on in my life.