Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Kitakyushu Ken Story

Today's blog post is actually a short story I wrote in eighth grade for Language Arts homework. I did not keep all of the short stories throughout the years, but I did keep a few. Hopefully my future writings about Susheen the cat are better than the stuff I produced ten years ago. All people in this story are fictional and any likeness to actual people is not intended. Also, please excuse any poor writing form in the story, I was in eighth grade when I wrote the story.

Kitakyushu Ken was born under the name Ken Oyama. He was born in none other than Kitakyushu (a city in northern Kyushu, thus the name of the city as Kitakyushu). His goal in life was to be a video game tester for Nintendo Headquarters in Kyoto, but his parents wanted him to be a dentist. Instead, he decided to go with his career path to Kyoto. Here is the Kitakyushu Ken Story.

In school, Ken did well in everything but human science. In human science, eh thought he was at a dental school, even though other things were mentioned (not told here, it is off topic). When his parents saw the report card that year, they stated "Ken Oyama, you will make a game about being a dentist since you don't want to be one. This will be the first part of your carrer." Ken had two choices, live and do as said, or live, run away from his parents, and change his name. He decided to live upon the second choice, thus the name Kitakyushu Ken (Ken is a common name there) and got a job at McDonalds. His parents never went to a burger joint (except for Mos-Burger), so he thought McDonalds was a safe haven, when one day, he saw his parents, he decided to hide in the restroom until closing time. He ended up getting fired and had no choice, but to travel to Kyoto and find Nintendo. Nintendo happily accepted Ken and now you might see him testing new video games (if you are lucky). He did make the dentist game, but he secretly sold it to North American markets.

If you want me to do a 2018 college graduate version of this story, let me know in the comments of this post or the comments of the link to this post on social media and thank you for reading something that I was proud of writing in 2008.

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