Saturday, December 29, 2018

2018 Year in Review, October

Ocotber's three key words are Food, Pusheen, and Panera, now on to the meaty part of this blog post.

Mr. Sean decided to try his hand at cross-stitch

My interest in cross-stitched was piqued by a nice lady who lived in the same dorm as me last year at Millersville, she was doing some cool stuff and I thought to myself, "I'd like to try that out for myself." Thanks to a sale on Amazon and my liking of Pusheen the cat, I bought a Pusheen cross-stitch kit for less than ten dollars. The kit contained a hoop to hold the aida cloth, three pieces of 14 count aida cloth, two needles, four skeins of thread with each skein a different color, and a how-to booklet. I'll elaborate more on the three patterns in the November and maybe December posts.

Susheen gets a new rival while Pusheen has a new friend

Since I don't have Amazon Prime, the way to free shipping was buying some more stuff and also on sale was a Pusheen plush eating pizza, so now Pusheen has a friend while Susheen has a rival in the pizza loving cat named Pizeko (a Japanese mashup of Pizza and Neko). At least Pizeko isn't angry when I eat pizza and not share my pizza with her unlike Susheen, who easily gets angry when I don't share sushi with him (even though Susheen looks like a Pusheen, I decided Susheen is a he).


A local church hosted food trucks on Tuesdays during the warm months and on the last food truck Tuesday of the year, my family attended and while my brother got some other cuisine's food, my parents and I had some Hawaiian food. The truck was so popular that they ran out of rice, so I got double macaroni salad, winning! Also, I wish there were more people serving Hawaiian food on the east coast.

Special Cake

My parents went out and did couples stuff one day, but they were kind enough to bring some cake home. The cake was good, though it definitely is special occasion cake as the cake was sprinkled with gold flakes.

Out with the old and in with the new

I got my old job back at Panera in October, which meant I was out of the house more often. Anyways, I had my last chance at eating the old Chocolate Pastry while at the same time trying the new Chocolate Croissant. I like croissants, so I did enjoy the new Chocolate Croissant, but I do miss biting into the sticks of chocolate, which was possible with the old pastry.

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