Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017 Year in Review, June

A nice day to go for a run

This photo represents the few times I tried to get more fit in 2017, but I should quit making excuses and quit being a failure. In the words of Nike and Shia LaBeouf: JUST DO IT! It was quite a nice and warm enough day at the beginning of June to boot.

Work at Panera Bread may afford views of nice sunsets

Thanks to how Panera is positioned and the fact that the windows were floor to ceiling, every time I came out of the dish area around 8:30 pm, I was typically shown the sunset, some of which were impressive.

Me in a nutshell

I think most people who know me already know about how these things apply to me, if not here's the break down. The Maryland flag means I'm proud to be from MD (and that the flag is awesome, even if some people don't like it). The Broncos hat is representative of me being a Broncos fan. Curry Rice is my favorite food. The laptop is actually the exact model of laptop I have, but represents how it seems to be with me a lot. Then there are my majors of meteorology and math represented, my favorite Pokémon Ho-oh, my main instrument the Clarinet, an origami crane for my origami-ness, and a bee because I like bees.

Maryland meets Japan, but who's crabby?

Japan is notorious for its interesting snacks. Maryland is notorious for its love of crabs. Although these crabs aren't blue, I can see a Marylander trying this Japanese snack and liking it. Though I'm not sure that a bag of tiny crabs would make a proper omiyage gift to a Marylander who has been spoiled with huge meaty crabs.

Comfort food in the face of pain

Although this seems like a regular double Cheeseburger from Dairy Queen, the significance of this picture lies not within the picture but outside of the picture. This was from the day I managed to injure one of my fingers at work and needed stitches. It was painful to get the stitches, but I managed to not yelp and breathing actually helped me through the pain of getting the stitches. This cheeseburger was comfort food that day. Thankfully my pointer healed in quick enough time for the July post tomorrow, thank you for reading today's posts!

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