Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March Mania Day 13: Sewing Successes, Fails, and Lessons

So in the past year or so, I've been making good use of the sewing kit I bought online, from sewing patches on to a blanket, finishing my merit badge sash, and trying to cover up holes. There have been plenty of successes and plenty of failures, each with a lesson for me.

The Successes

In 2018, five years after aging out of Boy Scouts, I finished my merit badge sash by sewing on the final seven merit badges I had earned since summer camp 2012. Other successes include improvements in sewing patches so that they aren't attached to a surface loosely and a successful sewing up a hole in pants. Too bad it was the only pair of pants I could successfully sew up as y'all will read in the next section.

The Failures

I had some pants with holes where holes shouldn't be. I tried to see if I could sew them up, it didn't look possible so I had to scrap those pants. I tried to do the same thing with a shirt, twice. Each time, the thread came undone and the hole showed up again. Thankfully I don't have many failures in sewing.

The Lessons

The lessons I've learned so far are that patience is key to getting a sewing job done, impatience can hurt or at least be mildly discomforting such as when the needle touches my fingertips, and that not everything can be sewn back together to look like new. I think I'll have more to say if I ever do more sewing later, stay tuned!

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