Friday, March 1, 2019

March Mania Day 1: Introduction


On a serious note, I decided to try to post a blog post each and every day in the month of March. I'm calling it March Mania since the NCAA has already taken "March Madness" for the college basketball playoff tournaments. Each day will feature a different topic, so stay tuned if anything I write piques your interest.

The tentative schedule is as follows:

Day 1: Introduction to the challenge
Day 2: Panera Favorites
Day 3: Cursive
Day 4: Drawing
Day 5: Running
Day 6: Bullet Journaling
Day 7: Photography
Day 8: Susheen stories
Day 9: Project Euler
Day 10: Sumo
Day 11: Origami: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Day 12: 10 favorite restaurant dishes
Day 13: Sewing
Day 14: Recommended eats in Lancaster
Day 15: Recommended eats near home
Day 16: Music and I (one of them)
Day 17: 100 word challenge Millersville
Day 18: 100 word challenge who am I
Day 19: 100 word challenge in French
Day 20: 100 word challenge wishes
Day 21: 100 word challenge Paris
Day 22: 100 word challenge learning Japanese
Day 23: 100 word challenge music goals
Day 24: Khan Academy
Day 25: 15 years of living in Maryland
Day 26: Nostalgia Pokemon Gold
Day 27: Nostalgia Pokemon Sapphire
Day 28: Pop Music nostalgia (this one is likely to be replaced)
Day 29: Haiku from the daily Haiku challenges of 2017 and 2018
Day 30: Long term goals
Day 31: Patch Blanket recap and conclusion of the challenge

The only rules are that I have to stay on topic each day and I must post by 11:59 PM EST (or EDT when Daylight Savings Time kicks in).
Stay tuned for more stuff from me!

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