Mr. Sean and drawing? To everybody's credit, I don't draw much but sometimes I liked to doodle on the blank backs of school worksheets. In fourth grade this was discouraged but in middle school and beyond, nobody cared as long as I completed my work on time. I did have a short phase in seventh grade where I made three panel comics of Pingu the penguin, but I managed to recycle the papers that they were drawn on. Before that, I drew maps of imaginary road systems as I loved traveling. One of my cursive workbooks essentially doubled up as an atlas of an entire town and again, I wasn't prudent enough to not throw it out. In college I saw that the school store had some sketchbooks so I figured I'd get one and try to improve my drawing skills. I don't have a real motivation for drawing except that I enjoy it. Sorry for the short post but here are some of my recent drawings to prove that I haven't given up on drawing yet. Now that I have a pencil sharpener that works anytime, I can use pencils, colored pencils, and crayons to try to improve my drawing or to have much fun drawing maps.

Road to the Mountains
A serious attempt at single point perspective with the letter H
The Maryland flag in approximately correct proportions
A counter top scene
Using graph paper and straight lines, I created curves
Pingu Pilfers Pusheen's Pizza
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