Sunday, March 17, 2019

March Mania Day 17: 100 Word Challenge: Millersville Days

Happy Saint Patrick's Day y'all! This week in March Mania I will challenge myself to summarize seven topics in 100 words. Shall I fail to do this, I hope to be at least within five words of 100. Only the body of the text in between the Title and "Word Count" will count toward the challenge. Today will be a challenge right off the bat as I have to try to describe my Millersville University days in 100 words. Also, I can't make a list and contractions count as one word. Ready? Let's go!

100 Word Challenge: Millersville Days

I started my career at Millersville by joining the marching band and met some great friends there. My first and final classes at Millersville were math classes. The meteorology department felt more like a family than a group of students. Old dorms were torn down while new ones rose up. I had a lot of great food there whether it was on campus or off campus. Failing one class caused me to think about what I really wanted to do and instead of one or the other, I chose option three: Dual major in mathematics and meteorology. It was great!

Word Count: 100

Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, Millersville University forever

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