Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March Mania Day 6: Bullet Journaling

My first page of my first bullet journal

For nearly two years now I decided instead of using a pre-made planner or agenda book that I would try something called a bullet journal. I was inspired by a German lady named Trixi (YouTube: TrixiRabbit) to start one as I saw how organized things could be. I tried to find more information on how to set up my bullet journal but a lot of the photographs of samples were rather artsy and I'm not too artsy. Thankfully Lean - Bullet Journal helped me decipher things, but the magic of the bullet journal is not following the rules to a T. The bullet journal can be customized any way you want to so if you want to only follow the "rules" part of the way you can, or you can follow all the rules. All the while you can add whatever sections of note-taking you want. I have a somewhat minimal set up that can be summed up in five main sections: Monthly view, monthly sleep tracker, Daily Roses, Thorns, and Buds (Good, bad, anticipations), Tasks and Goals, and Weekly logs. I also like to try to keep track of weather conditions for each day, so in each day's upper right corner I draw a small symbol indicating that day's predominant weather.

An example of a daily log within a weekly log:

The bullet journal is meant to be flexible, but that means it can be as rigid as you need it to be or it can be as "disorganized" (in quotes because to the individual it may be organized for them). 
Anyways, I'd encourage people to try it out for themselves and not to worry about the journal being more of a sketchbook like the examples presented on the Internet.

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